The Christmas bonus is coming soon! But unlike other years, it will not fall on December 15. The calendar plays spoilsport: since the 15th falls on a Sunday, the payment is postponed to Monday December 17, 2024. A small peculiarity which should not disturb the beneficiaries too much, even if the visibility of the amount on the CAF space will be wait until the last minute. In fact, the amount will only appear in your account a few days before the payment, or even the day before the D-day.

Don’t panic though: no action needs to be taken. Payment is automatic for all beneficiaries. A godsend at this time when administrative procedures often pile up.

Christmas bonus 2024: how much will you receive this year?

The Christmas bonus is a bit like Santa Claus: he doesn’t forget anyone, but he doesn’t distribute the same gifts to everyone. The amounts vary considerably depending on the composition of the household.

For a single person, the basic amount is 152.45 euros. Couples will receive exactly 228.68 euros. Christmas being above all a family celebration, large families are better off: a single-parent family with four children can receive up to 535.10 euroswhile a couple in the same situation will receive 442.11 euros.

And that’s not all! For each additional child, the bank account receives a bonus: 82.32 euros for single parents and 60.98 euros for couples. Enough to put a little butter in the spinach during the holidays.

Who can receive the Christmas bonus?

Please note, this bonus is not a gift distributed to all French people. It is reserved for beneficiaries of certain very specific allowances. This concerns recipients of the RSA, the ASS (Specific Solidarity Allowance), the AER (Retirement Equivalent Allowance)but also people receiving the remuneration of professional training trainees or the fixed bonus for resumption of activity.

On the other hand, no double gift possible : beneficiaries of the AAH or the Activity Bonus will have to give up on this exceptional aid. Another important point: if you start receiving your benefits in December 2024, you will have to wait until January 2025 to receive your Christmas bonus.

France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), CAF and MSA will be responsible for distributing this long-awaited aid, which for many represents a real breath of fresh air at this time when expenses are piling up.

  • In 2024, the payment of the Christmas bonus will fall on December 17, 2024 (instead of the 15th) for 2.2 million French people
  • The amounts vary from €152.45 for a single person to €535.10 for a single-parent family with 4 children.
  • Payment is automatic for beneficiaries of minimum social benefits, but not for the AAH or the Activity Bonus


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