lydia icon app ipa iphoneLydia adds support for Apple Pay. iPhone owners can therefore reimburse their loved ones even more quickly without even adding a bank card in the application. Good news for Apple Pay which continues to be included in more and more services, regardless of the European authorities.

Lydia x Apple Pay

Lydia, now Sumeria’s cousin, adds Apple Pay to her app. Good news for Apple users with an iPhone who can now make a refund with this new method.

Quite practical for reimbursing a third party without needing to add a card in the application. As a reminder, Cards opens instantly when you press the lock button on your iPhone twice in a row.

The other advantage of Apple Pay is that it bypasses the authentication method to secure a payment. Accessing Apple Pay and Cards must be done by Face ID, which immediately makes the transaction secure.

Remember that a new service called Wero, replacing Paylib, will soon become more widely available in Europe and therefore in France. Its objective is precisely to fight against international payment solutions such as Apple Pay and even Lydia which is a French company.

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