Something that not many people know is that we can do a lot of actions in Windows without using a mouse. The operating system itself has different key combinations that allow us to do many things. We have compiled the 60 shortcuts keyboard layouts that exist with the Windows key from our keyboard.
Microsoft includes a large number of shortcuts that can help you improve your productivity. These can also be useful if your mouse malfunctions. It is not unusual for your mouse to stop working at any time, especially if it is battery-powered.
The “Windows key”, present on all keyboards on the market, has many functions. There are a large number of combinations with this key that allow you to perform a very large set of actions or open elements. We will tell you all about them and tell you what each of these “shortcut” combinations are for.
These are all the existing shortcuts with the Windows Key
Specifically, there are currently no less than 60 shortcuts with the “Windows Key”. They are all common to Windows 10 and Windows 11, except for one combination, which varies depending on the version in the action it can perform. Note that some keyboards allow you to block the “Windows Key”, so if we want to use these tricks, we must unlock it. This blocking is designed to prevent accidental pressing in games and thus prevent us from leaving the game.
Let’s see all the simple combinations that exist:
- Windows key: allows you to open the “Start Menu”.
- Windows key + A: Open the “Action Center”.
- Windows key + B: is used to set the focus notification area on the taskbar.
- Windows key + Comma (,): allows us to take a quick look at the desktop.
- Windows key + D: is used to show or hide the desktop.
- Windows key + Down arrow key: minimize application windows.
- Windows key + E: Open “File Explorer”.
- Windows key + Esc: allows you to get out of the magnifying glass.
- Windows key + F: launches the Feedback Hub app.
- Windows Key + Forward slash (/): carry out the reconversion of the IME.
- Windows key + G: displays the “Game Bar”.
- Windows key + H: start the dictation function.
- Windows key + Home: It is used to minimize or maximize all windows on the desktop, except the active one.
- Windows key + I: opens the “Settings” panel.
- Windows key + J: emphasize a Windows 10 tip where appropriate.
- Windows key + K: Displays the connection settings panel.
- Windows key + L: allows you to lock your computer.
- Windows key + Left arrow key: moves the application or window to the left.
- Windows key + M: all open windows are minimized.
- Windows key + Minus (-): allows us to zoom out when we use the magnifying glass
- Windows Key + Number (0-9): opens the application in the number position on the taskbar.
- Windows key + O: is used to lock the orientation of the device.
- Windows key + P: start project setup.
- Windows key + Pause: displays the “System Properties” box.
- Windows key + Period (.) or semicolon (;): open the emoji panel.
- Windows key + Plus (+): When we use the magnifying glass, it helps us get closer.
- Windows key + PrtScn: Take a full screenshot in the “Screenshots” folder.
- Windows key + R: opens the Run command.
- Windows key + Right arrow key: snaps the application or window to the right.
- Windows key + S (or Q): search panel.
- Windows key + Space bar: change the keyboard layout and input language.
- Windows key + T: navigate between all the applications on the taskbar.
- Windows key + Tab: opens the task view.
- Windows key + U: Start the “Accessibility” settings.
- Windows key + Up arrow key: maximizes application windows.
- Windows key + V: open the clipboard trash.
- Windows key + W: allows you to open the Windows Ink workspace.
- Windows key + X: access to the quick link menu.
- Windows key + Y: vary between input between desktop and mixed reality.
- Windows key + Z: Switch input between the desktop experience and Windows Mixed Reality.
These are all the simple combinations that exist of the Windows key with other keys. Then there are the “super combinations” which are the sum of the Windows key with the “Alt”, “Ctrl” or “Shift” keys that give access to other actions. These are:
- Windows key + Alt + D: access to date and time on the taskbar.
- Windows Key + Alt + Number (0-9): allows you to open the application in the number position on the taskbar.
- Windows Key + Ctrl + Number (0-9): go to the last active application window at the number position on the taskbar.
- Windows key + Ctrl + D: It is used to create a virtual desktop.
- Windows key + Ctrl + Enter: Open the “Narrator”.
- Windows key + Ctrl + F: access device search on a domain network.
- Windows key + Ctrl + F4: close the active virtual desktop.
- Windows Key + Ctrl + Left Arrow: move around the virtual desktop to the left.
- Windows key + Ctrl + Q: allows you to go to “Quick Assistance”.
- Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow: move around the virtual desktop to the right.
- Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + B: It is used to activate the device when the screen is black or white.
- Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + Number (0-9): You can open another instance as an application manager in the number position on the taskbar.
- Windows key + Shift + Down arrow key:
- Windows 11: Restore the window if it is adjusted or maximized.
- Windows 10: Maximize or minimize active windows vertically while maintaining width.
- Windows key + Shift + Left arrow key: moves the active window to the left monitor.
- Windows key + Shift + M: restores minimized windows to the desktop.
- Windows Key + Shift + Number (0-9): opens another application instance at the number position on the taskbar.
- Windows key + Shift + Right arrow key: allows you to move the active window to the right monitor.
- Windows key + Shift + S: generates a partial screenshot of the screen.
- Windows key + Shift + Up arrow key: extends the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
- Windows key + Shift + V: we can move between notifications.