Amazon has been determined to reduce staff no matter what. Both in December and January we witnessed how 18,000 jobs were eliminated at once, and March has not been left behind, since the company itself has announced 9,000 more layoffs which corresponds to the final part of the second phase of its new OP2 operational plan.
These layoffs They will be focused on specific departments such as AWS, Twitch, advertising and PXT (People Experience Technology). From Amazon, in the voice of its own CEO, they affirm that this is a difficult decision but they believe that it is the best thing for the company in the long term, surely to have much healthier accounts.
Amazon continues to cut staff massively
In the note sent by the CEO of Amazon, it is stated that previous years a large number of personnel were recruited in numerous departments to be able to respond to the economic growth that was taking place, and the volume of electronic commerce that was achieved. But we are all aware that there is now a lot of uncertainty in the near future, as Amazon believes too, and that is why they have chosen to be more efficient in costs and personnel.
The layoffs of 18,000 people in January responded to an analysis of the needs of each department in order to be as efficient as possible. But anyone can come to think why these 9,000 extra layoffs are announced two months later. From Amazon they affirm that not all departments finished testing by late fall and for this reason they have been forced to delay the announcement.
In addition, they are completely open when it comes to stating that role analysis is still pending to find out which workers will be affected, being a decision that remains for the month of April. And it is equally possible that layoffs will continue to grow in future advances of this operating plan.
What is clear is that Amazon is looking for ways to become more cost efficient in order to stay afloat. It is a decision that they already made at Meta, Google or Microsoft throughout 2022 when the economic crisis directly attacked their pockets. And it seems that 2023 will follow the same path of regularization of the workforce to avoid making losses, something that Meta has also done recently with the dismissal of 10,000 extra people.
Photos | Gerd Altmann, Rosy
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