Tech News Desk,Recently, Ola company CEO Bhavish Aggarwal launched Crutrim AI to compete with GPT Chat and other major language models. At the launch event, Agarwal also made a demo video of the chatbot to show how it works. In case you missed it, here we explain how you can access the chatbot on your cell phone. The special thing about this chatbot is that it is trained on Indian data and not on western data like other chatbots and can also do real-time coding.
You can use it on your cell phone like this
To use Krutrim AI on your cell phone, you need to access the website After this you will have to enter your mobile number, name, email ID and then the OTP received on the number. After this you can use this chatbot. This chatbot is similar to Chat GPT. In this you will get support of 22 languages. Moreover, from the first quarter of 2024 this chatbot will start understanding all other languages. The company has trained this chatbot on 2 trillion tokens and currently it can respond in 10 Indian languages.
This chatbot can also listen to voices
The company also said that Crutrim AI was trained on 20 times more Indian tokens than other models. Apart from this, you can also give commands to this chatbot by voice and in return this chatbot will also respond by speaking.
Aggarwal will give more good news in the new year
The Crutrim AI team said it is also working on Crutrim Pro, which will be released next year. This will be a multi model which will be advanced and more powerful than the basic version.