Apple's new mixed reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, will be officially launched on February 2 in the United States. Given this imminent departure, many developers and companies are already working to adapt and create new applications to the spatial computing platform. But there are also others who will not be present, by their own decision.
Recently, from this same medium, we informed you how Netflix was not going to launch any specific application for the Apple Vision Pro. In fact, not only were they not going to launch an official app, but they were going to eliminate the compatibility of their iPad application , so that it does not work with glasses.
Although the news that the streaming service was not going to be present was heard, Netflix is now joined by two great titans of entertainment: YouTube and Spotify.
They will neither be released nor supported
It was Bloomberg analyst Mark Gurman who released this information regarding the two streaming services. He explained that both Spotify and YouTube, which currently have official applications for the different Apple devices that are on the market right now, They are going to repeat the same strategy as Netflix.
They aren't going to release any official apps for the mixed reality headset, but they aren't going to make their iPad apps compatible either. The Apple Vision Pro are capable of running iPad apps in pop-up windows that are superimposed on top of the virtual scenario created. However, it is the developers themselves who decide whether this compatibility will be carried out or not.
There will be no apps, but the services can be used
The fact that we do not have official applications does not mean that these services will not be able to be used in the new Apple Vision Pro. It must be taken into account that Apple's new product is a computer in the form of glasses.
Therefore, when you have a computer that has the Safari browser installed, We will be able to browse the internet with total normality. In this case, the YouTube, Spotify and Netflix services will be able to be used with the glasses, but only if we access them through the web version with Safari.
Therefore, we will have these services, even if only through an internet browser. This is not a new situation in the Apple ecosystem, since in the case of the Mac it is necessary to access Safari to use the web versions of YouTube and Netflix.
Currently, YouTube, Spotify and Netflix have official applications launched for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. In the case of Spotify, the latter is accessible on Apple TV through the AirPlay wireless playback system, so although there is no dedicated app that can be installed, we do have compatibility in which the Apple TV box can recognize and run the app.