We have been able to verify that teleworking has many benefits for any worker. As a result of the COVID pandemic, many people discovered this way of working that saves a lot of time on trips and improves family balance. This currently makes many want to opt for this form of work so as not to have to go to an office every day.
At present, the technological sector is one of the most frequent in this modality of work, being especially the programmers the most benefited. And it is that in addition to not having to move from home, they will also be able to Opt for international jobs without having to move abroad. In this article we show you a very interesting page to look for this type of work.
GitHub becomes a dissemination point for companies
To look for a job at present, it is recommended to do it online, and on this occasion you can use the GitHub website to find a list with more than 200 companies that ask for teleworkers. And all of these are located in Spain to be able to have greater comfort in the event that you have to travel to be in person.
By accessing this GitHub website you will be able to find a brief explanation of its content, and They open the possibility for any company to advertise. The requirements that they put is that it must be a completely Spanish company and that it hires in the country with real contracts and not as freelancers. But foreign companies can also access but with legal personality in Spain. The requirement is always that the contract conforms to national legislation.
If you continue scrolling down, you will be able to find an extensive list with all the companies that are advertised on this page, with the name of the same and a hyperlink on the phrase “open positions”. By clicking on each one of them you will be redirected to your recruitment website, to LinkedIn or to any other platform over which they have control.
That is why GitHub in this case acts as a great business hub to bring together all the companies that offer some type of teleworking. It is important bookmark page, since it aspires to be updated with new data from companies that are added.
Via | SoftZone
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