Originally starting as a spin-off of the saga Megami Tensei, This saga managed to become one of the most beloved of the last decade. Its bizarre and hypnotic plots are just one of the reasons why they are so highly rated by both specialized critics and ordinary fans. But what are the best Person?
Persona are very rare, but they are cool!
So as our way of paying tribute to such a beloved saga is that we have investigated on the best review platform in the world, Metacritic, what are the five video games of Person top rated. So with that said, we can start with the top.
5. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
The third installment of the franchise had a very important role in this phenomenon as we know it today. Although this saga was still somewhat niche, it was slowly beginning to make its way into the world of more mainstream video games. In addition, it did really well in reviews, earning an 89 on Metacritic.
4. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
If the third installment was responsible for this saga reaching the Western market, then it was Persona 4 which made this saga become one to be reckoned with. It was with this video game that we started to get used to those far-fetched plots that the saga has accustomed us to. It has a 90 on Metacritic.
3. Persona 4 Golden
The saga Person is no stranger to releasing enhanced versions of some of its classic games. In this case, Persona 4 Golden It was an improved version with all the downloadable content that came out for more modern consoles like PS4 or the now defunct PS VITA. If you haven’t tried it yet, we recommend you do so, especially since it has a 93 on Metacritic.
2. Persona 5
This title was undoubtedly responsible for catapulting the franchise to the stardom it enjoys today. Leaving aside its story, which, although weirder than a green dog, is incredible, it stands out in other aspects, such as its graphics, which surprise us even 9 years after its release. It has a 93 rating on Metacritic.
1. Persona 5 Royal
The first place on the list goes to the final version ofPersona 5 which, like Persona 4, improves certain aspects of the original, as well as including all the DLCs and other content that came out for Persona 5. We think that if you want to try this title, we recommend that you get this version. It has a 95 on Metacritic.
And you? What is your favorite Persona game? We must admit that they are not our favorite games, but they are very popular and, of course, they are eye-catching and have created a large community of players around them.