Whether you eat this food just before going to sleep, or follow this balanced diet, it will help you get the eight hours of sleep you need every day.
It is advisable to sleep at least eight hours a day to have good health and not show a lack of dream the next day, but different circumstances, especially environmental, can cause you to sleep less than normal.
And now in the summer, with the heat, it is very difficult for you to sleep the recommended eight hours each night, but if you eat a particular food before you go to bed, or at dinner, you’ll likely have a better night’s sleep and more sleep.
now the doctor Michael Breusexplain that if you eat a food particularly before you go to sleep, it could help you fall asleep better.
“Bananas are called ‘nature’s sleeping pill’ because they are loaded with magnesiumBreus says.
Foods for dinner that help sleep
But as far as the previous dinner is concerned, the sleep expert Rob Hobson explains that a balanced diet helps maintain intestinal health, and that is good for you to sleep well.
“The quality of your sleep can also be directly influenced by the type of food you choose to eat. Therefore, it is particularly important to eat the right foods if you have difficulty sleeping.“, says.
For this you must eat foods rich in magnesium: “Magnesium is present in dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Tryptophan helps produce melatonin, the sleep hormone, in the brain. It is found in oily fish, chicken, tofu, beans, and oats.”.
“Vitamin B6 found in foods such as chicken, salmon, chickpeas, lentils, avocado and bananas is also involved in the production of melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle.“, Add.