Even though the fast charge It is a really useful feature for those moments when we need to charge the mobile as quickly as possible, Its regular use can have negative effectsIn fact, you’ve probably heard someone say on more than one occasion that fast charging is bad for your phone’s battery.
Mobile device manufacturers themselves offer this technology in their smartphonesso you may not be entirely clear What is true behind this statement?In this article we explain the reasons why you should not overuse your mobile’s fast charging if you want to maximize the battery life.
Fast charging is very useful, but frequent use can reduce battery life.
Fast charging technology has become an available feature in more and more smartphones Nowadays it is common to find mobile phones with fast charging of 100 W or 120 W. In fact, mobile phones like the Realme GT 3 They offer a whopping 240W, which allows you to fully charge your mobile phone in less than 10 minutes.
Obviously, charging your phone in such a short time is something that can be useful on more than one occasion: it has happened to all of us. realizing that we have no battery when we are about to leave home. At times like this, fast charging is an essential ally.
First of all, it is important to note that there is nothing wrong with fast charging (otherwise, mobile phone manufacturers would not offer it), so there is no problem in using it when we need it. However, continued use can contribute significantly to battery wear.
The reason is none other than the heat generated during charging, one of the main enemies of batteries. Every time we charge the mobile, the battery heats up. The problem is that Fast charging generates even more heat than normal chargingwhich negatively contributes to the health of the battery and can reduce its lifespan.
Taking the above into account, it is advisable to limit fast charging to those moments when we have to charge the mobile as quickly as possible, such as when we have forgotten to charge the mobile or we have to go out and we do not have enough battery. If you are going to spend several hours at home, it is not necessary to use fast charging.
Obviously, the passage of time will cause the mobile phone battery to degrade irreparably, but by avoiding excessive use of fast charging we will be able to extend its useful life and avoid having to spend money replacing it before necessary.
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