Pavel Durov is known worldwide for being the founder and CEO of the encrypted instant messaging service “Telegram”. Often at the heart of controversies for a lack of effective moderation and the fight against various illegal traffic, Pavel Durov has always defended himself by claiming to want to protect freedom of expression and avoid censorship on Telegram. Today, the controversies seem to have caught up with the billionaire since the French authorities have just arrested Pavel Durov as he got off his plane at Le Bourget airport in the suburbs of Paris.
Pavel Durov is in custody
Pavel Durov, the creator and CEO of encrypted messaging app Telegram, was arrested by French authorities Saturday night at Le Bourget airport, outside Paris. Durov, who holds dual French and Russian citizenship, was arrested as he was getting off his private plane, accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman. He was on his way to a series of business meetings in Paris.
The arrest, carried out by the forces of the Air Transport Gendarmerie (GTA), was carried out with meticulous preparation and in the greatest secrecy. The gendarmerie teams had been mobilized for several hours at the airport with very precise instructions, ready to intervene as soon as Durov’s plane arrived. The latter had been registered for several months on the wanted persons file (FPR) and was the subject of a search warrant issued by the Central Office for the Suppression of Banditry (OFMIN) of the French judicial police.
Pavel Durov, CEO and founder of Telegram app during a trip to India
The reasons given for this search warrant are particularly serious. Pavel Durov is accused of complicity in drug trafficking, child sex trafficking and fraud, accusations that have their roots in the lack of moderation of content on Telegram. The application, known for its strong encryption and protection of privacy, has also been criticized for its laxity with regard to illegal content, a problem that now seems to be catching up with its founder.
The warrant against Durov was only valid on French territory, a detail that seems to have escaped the latter, otherwise he would probably have avoided coming to France. Following his arrest, Durov was taken into custody by the National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF), which reports to the customs department. He should be presented in the coming days to an investigating judge for a possible indictment. The accusations against Pavel Durov are extremely serious and could result in a sentence of several years in prison.
The arrest raises critical questions about the balance between digital freedom and the responsibility of messaging platforms to combat crime. Telegram, under Durov’s leadership, has long been a symbol of free speech and the protection of private communications. However, this commitment to privacy has also allowed malicious individuals to exploit the platform for criminal activity.
As for the future of Telegram in France, it is uncertain for now. Now that its founder and CEO is arrested and will probably go to court, the app could be removed from the App Store and Play Store in France with a DNS restriction on the four French operators. We strongly advise you to download Telegram now on the App Store before a possible removal of the app. In case of DNS blocking, the app will remain accessible through a VPN without any problem.
Download the free app Telegram Messenger