Although we are used to talking about public aid of state origin, there is also a lot of aid that has a regional origin. We have one of the examples in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, where the Board manages the Minimum Social Insertion Incomewhich is intended for those people with less income and who do not have the right to receive the Minimum Living Income.
In this article we tell you what requirements you have to meet to be able to access Andalusia's public aid, with which you can get up to more than a thousand euros per month.
How to request the DIGITAL CERTIFICATE of a NATURAL PERSON from the FNMT
Who can apply for this aid and duration
This is an aid that is intended only for those registered in a municipality in the community of Andalusia and that are between 25 and 64 years old. Furthermore, it is a requirement that they be in a situation of poverty or risk of social exclusion. So, the extra requirements that are collected are:
- The family unit must be registered, one year in advance of the date of submission of the application.
- May they have you expressly denied the Minimum Living Incomeexcept in emergency situations.
- Registration of the applicant as a job seeker, as well as all persons over 16 years of age in the family unit.
- Monthly resources less than the corresponding amount of the Minimum Income for Social Integration in Andalusia (you cannot earn more than what you are going to collect).
- Not have cash, or security, right of credit or bank deposit of an amount greater than the annual PNC.
- The recipient must be registered in the census of the State Tax Administration Agency.
The duration of this aid is 12 months from the first day of the month following the date of entry of the application. Although it may be agreed to extend the aid for successive periods of 12 months.
Finally, the amount that will be received will depend on the family situation and income. He Minimum income will be 160.06 euros per monthwhile the maximum is 1173.74 euros per month.
This simulator tells you what you will be paid
The Junta de Andalucía has made a simulator available to all citizens that allows them to know whether or not they are entitled to this benefit, and also the amount. It is easily accessed from the Board's website and you will simply have to enter date of birth, disability, net monthly income and also available money (in accounts, investment funds, shares…) at the time of application. All of this must be entered for each member of the family unit, by clicking on “Add members of the Family Unit”.
In addition, the relationship with the applicant will also be requested, if the applicant is registered in the SAE or if IMV has been denied in the current year. With all this information, the last screen will inform you whether or not you are entitled to this benefit and the approximate amount. Obviously, this is something that can vary after verifying all the information you have entered in the simulator.
How to request help
If all the requirements are met and the result in the simulator has been favorable, you will be able to start the application. It can be done in person downloading the application and registering it with the regional body. But it is advisable to do the process online through the website that the Junta de Andalucía has enabled.
Once you enter the electronic registry you will have to click on 'Department of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality' and then on 'Request for the Minimum Income for Social Insertion in Andalusia'.
Here it will be necessary to have a Digital Certificate or Self-Signature to sign the application. When starting the process you will have to fill out the mandatory documentation clicking on 'Start' and proceeding to fill them in completely. Likewise, you may have to attach documentation related to your personal situation. It is important to record all members of the family unit and the particular situation of each one.
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In Genbeta | If you have dependent children you may be entitled to this Social Security aid: this is how you can request it