The deployment of Linky meters by Enedis is causing a wave of discontent and incidents. Its malfunctions and unexpected billing errors loathe consumers. The proof with this story resolved with the help of the UFC – Que Choisir association.
Launched in 2017, the Enedis Linky meter aimed to modernize the French electricity network. It is an intelligent device that allows you to measure electricity consumption in real time. Its promises: better precision in consumption measurements, real-time data transmission and more efficient management of the electricity network. But, as with many new technologies, Linky has not only had advantages for all connected households.
This Linky meter continues to record energy consumption even when disconnected
As proof, we want the story of a user from Charente-Maritime reported by the association UFC – What to Choose. After installing her Linky meter in 2017, she noticed an inexplicable increase in electricity bills. A technical intervention revealed that the meter recorded consumption even when the circuit breaker was turned off. Enedis calculated the excessive amount he had to repay. But it was not carried out despite several reminders. In November 2022, the client requested help from the local branch of the consumer defense association. Only at the start of 2023, after a procedure which lasted almost six years, she received a reimbursement of 4,320 euros, to which are added 300 euros in compensation.
This user's story is not an isolated case. On several occasions, we have mentioned malfunctions with Linky which have placed customers in complicated financial situations. Let's remember this couple from Pas-de-Calais who found themselves with a bill of €180,000. EDF had discovered that their Linky meter was no longer transmitting consumption data in real timeeL. A technician would have carried out a manual reading of the meter, but made a mistake. In response to these incidents, Enedis is committed to compensate the victims. In addition, EDF had covered the bank costs linked to this affair.
Read also – Linky: more and more French people are resorting to this illegal practice to lower their electricity bill
Other users found themselves paying their neighbors' electricity bills due to poor connections of Linky meters. Despite multiple requests, these customers only received their refund after a long wait of several months. All of this obviously fuels skepticism towards this device.
Source: UFC – Que Choisir