Before the year is over, Telegram released a new major update. Among the new features, the possibility of hide spoilers. With this option, Those who share information, comments or opinions about a recent release, can mark it as spoiler.
This will hide the text in the chat, notifications and the chat list, so that users who do not want to ruin their premiere experience do not see it; Y Once they have viewed the content in question, they can tap on the text of the spoiler to read it.
Also reach Telegram the reactions to messages, in the style of iMessage or Messenger, of Facebook. To react to a message, you can double tap it to send an approval reaction; or tap once (or tap and hold on iOS) to select other emojis, such as a smile, fire, a surprised face, or a thumbs down.
You can also change the default double tap emoji in the Chat Settings on Android, and in the Stickers and Emoji section in the iOS settings.
In private chats, reactions are always enabled, while in channels and groups, administrators can decide whether to activate them or not, as well as establishing the reactions that the members can choose.
Telegram also adds an option to translation which can be quite useful when you have friends or colleagues from other countries, who speak other languages. In the Language section in Settings, you can enable translation, which adds a Translate button to the context menu. You can discard the languages that you do know, so that the Translate button does not appear in the messages you receive in those languages.
The translation is available on all Android devices, but iPhone and iPad users need to have iOS 15 or later to use it. On the other hand, the number of languages that Telegram supports depends on the operating system that the device has.
What’s more, users can generate QR codes with a public username, to share the link to their personal profiles on the platform, as well as bots, groups and channels.
To create a code, tap the QR icon next to your username and select your preferred colors and pattern before sharing it elsewhere. You can also find your own QR code in the Settings menu.
The Telegram team also redesigned context menus in macOS, with new shortcut suggestions and animated icons.
Finally, the application will display a full screen effect on one-to-one chats when sending certain emojis, as happens, for example, in Facebook Messenger when sending a heart, a balloon or a kiss.