mobile news desk, The company has launched Redmi Note 12R. Qualcomm’s new chipset Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC has been installed in the phone, which makes it a powerful phone. The battery capacity of the phone is 5000 mAh. The smartphone has been launched in three color variants. It has up to 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of internal storage. Let us know at what price the company has launched it and what are its other specifications and features.
Redmi Note 12R price
The base variant of Redmi Note 12R comes with 4GB + 128GB RAM, which the company has priced at 999 Yuan (roughly Rs. 11,300). Its next variant comes with 6GB + 128GB which has been launched for 1099 yuan (about Rs 12,400). The variant above this has been introduced with 8GB + 128GB RAM, which costs 1,499 yuan (about Rs 17,000). The top-end variant comes in 8GB + 256GB configuration, priced at 1,699 Yuan (roughly Rs. 19,200). It has been said for the phone that it will be available for purchase from June 30 ie tomorrow. It has been introduced in Midnight Black, Sky Fantasy and Time Blue Color.
Redmi Note 12R specification
If you look at the specifications of Redmi Note 12R, a 6.79-inch display has been given in the latest smartphone of Redmi. It is an LCD display with a peak brightness of 550 nits and a refresh rate of 120Hz. Two SIM cards can be used in the phone. It runs on MIUI 14 layered with Android 13 OS.
According to Redmi, it is the world’s first smartphone to use the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC built on 4nm technology. The phone has up to 256 GB of inbuilt storage, which can be increased with the help of microSD card. If you look at its camera specs, it packs a 50-megapixel main camera at the rear. Its aperture is f / 1.8. Along with there is a 2 megapixel macro lens. The selfie camera has been given 8 megapixels. It is fitted in the center punchhole cutout given in the display.