The heat is still very present in most of the country, and if we do not have air conditioning at home we can choose to use the Classic fans with blades of a lifetimewhether simple, intelligent or even in tower format with an evaporation system, with which to achieve a more pleasant thermal sensation at home.
Turning them on during the central hours of the day probably won’t provide much relief, but at night things change and they are our best allies if we want to cool down the environment a bit, make the night pass fresher air from outside or expel outside the superheated air we have in the room.
How much does it cost to sleep with the fan on?
And one of the first things we can think about is how much it can cost to use the classics at home. traditional fanstaking into account some previous considerations. For example, let’s assume that we have a mid-range model with an electrical consumption of around 40-70 watts maximum at full power.
In general, as we saw in more depth in this article, conventional models usually range around 35-50 wattsalthough there are some that can reach this figure of 70 watts and even the largest industrial type exceed 100 watts, although the latter are less common in homes. For our calculations we will take an intermediate value of about 50 watt hourstypical of many devices when we have them at a medium level of operation.
In addition, we will consider that it will be working about 10 hours at nightthat is, from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., so we will take the average electricity price for that time.
Okay, to start off, the first thing we need to do is figure out the cost per kWh of electricity that we are going to consume, a figure that varies every hour of the day and that will depend on each electric company, but that we can average with the data from the last few weeks and taking into account what is indicated on the website of the Spanish Electricity Network and on the website of the CNMC.
To obtain this value we consult the price charts and take the average value at the time indicated above, which differs from the rest of the day as it is a night time slot with lower prices. Thus, we have an approximate value of about 0.14 €/kWh.
Taking all this into account, our fan 50 watts It will be on for 10 hours every day, which is a total of 0.5 kWh per daywith an expenditure of 0.14€/kWh. This represents about 0.07 euros per day. If we multiply by 31 days we find the amount for the total of the month which amounts to about 2.17 euros plus taxes.
Of course, these results are approximate values and will depend greatly on the region in which we live, the weather, and what Don’t change the electricity pricesetc., but they can help us get an idea of the final cost that it may entail for us. use our fans every summer month.
Precautions when using the fan at night
Having the fan running next to our bed all night can not only help us sleep better, but also can cause negative effects on our body.
A current of air caused by the fan and reaching our body can cause a Dryness of the skin and nasal passagesas well as congestion, headache, eye irritation or dry throat. It also raises and stirs up dust particles and germs, something that It does not benefit allergy sufferers, aggravating pathologies such as bronchitis or sinusitis.
In addition, at the muscular level, prolonged use of a fan can end up causing contractures or stiffness appear.
Therefore, to sleep with a fan on at night avoiding these problems You just have to take a series of precautions.
- The first measure is to avoid a continuous current in the same direction and a good system to prevent this from happening is to use the fan’s rotating mode.
- It is also interesting set schedules. Make the fan turn off and on every so often, something we can do if the device has a built-in timer, or if not, by using a smart plug to which we will connect the fan.
- Also, if the fan has a silent mode or night mode, It is advisable to use itas it will make the blades rotate with a lower intensity, generating a softer and more pleasant air flow.
- It is also interesting to place the fan in a position that allows a gentle flow of air to reach us, without necessarily having to be close.
Cover image | Rowenta
At Xataka Smart Home | What type of air conditioning is best for my home: advantages and disadvantages of each type