Steve Spielberg has been this weekend in the program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and has opined on the avalanche of UFO sightings of the last months. “I believe that we are not alone in the universe“, he affirms, and gives his particular explanation to these phenomena.
Steven Spielberg He is a movie legend. The only director in history who has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Directorin six different decades. Interestingly, one of her first nominations was with the film about the arrival of the aliens to Earth, Encounters in the Third Phase.
One of his biggest hits is the classic ET the Extra-Terrestrial, and he has also dealt with this subject in Indiana Jones and the Crystal SkullFor example.
Does Steven Spielberg believe in aliens?
In the aforementioned current affairs and interview program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Spielberg He has made some interesting statements on the UFO subject, which is collected by the IndieWire website.
Steven Spielberg says that “I have never seen a UFO. I wish I had seen it. I’ve never seen anything I can’t explain. But I believe certain people who have seen things they cannot explain. And I think the secrecy that’s surrounding all of these sightings and the lack of transparency….”.
And continues: “I don’t think we are alone in the universe. I think it is mathematically impossible that we are the only intelligent species in the cosmos. I think it’s totally impossible“.
without a doubt the science They are on the director’s side. With so many millions of galaxies and stars, the math They say there must be life on other planets.
Spielberg continues to reflect aloud: “At the same time, it also seems impossible for someone to visit us from 400 million light-years away, except in the movies, of course, unless they figure out some way to get here via wormholes.“.
That is the greatest enigma of science. Not so much whether or not intelligent life exists, but how to contact them. Due to the great distances.
But Spielberg I think it’s an explainable problem. He does not believe that UFOs are aliens, but… a future version of ourselves:
“The most optimistic thing I feel about these things that we see in the skies, is that what if they are not from an advanced civilization 300 million light years from here? What if it is us, 500,000 years in the future, who return to document the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century because we are anthropologists?“.
And he leaves an interesting reflection: “Maybe they know something we don’t yet know has happened, and they’re trying to trace the last hundred years of our history.“.
It seems that, on the topic UFOdirector Steven Spielberg he tries to adjust to science, but his job as a filmmaker comes out. Those ideas would make for a good movie, admired Spielberg…