On the sidelines of the presentation of its 13th generation of Intel Core processor, the brand is launching Intel Unison. This software technology should make it possible to better synchronize an Android smartphone or an iPhone with a PC.
Since the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft has been trying to synchronize smartphones with PCs. Several brands like Dell or Asus have also launched their own solutions. This time it’s Intel presenting its own with a lot of promise, here is Intel Unison.
Notifications, file transfers and calls
Intel Unison is therefore new software to be installed on Windows, and an app for the iPhone or an Android smartphone. Together and with a very simple synchronization process, the two applications must make it possible to synchronize the devices with each other.
In the first version of the software, Intel promises to allow fast and easy transfer of files and photos between the computer and the mobile device. The idea being to be able to use the smartphone as a camera and to edit the photos very quickly directly from a PC.
The classic synchronizations of notifications, phone calls and text messages are also included.
Several partners such as HP, Acer and Lenovo will integrate Intel Unison software this year. Intel expects widespread software in Intel Evo machines throughout 2023 with the 13th generation of Intel Core processors.
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