Telegram is developing a new function so that users can signal when one of their messages contains a “spoiler” and thus remain hidden from the rest of the participants in a chat.
This new proposal for the messaging platform is still under development and is not available to the general public.
However, it has been possible to see how this new Telegram tool will work, through a Reddit thread.
In the video shared in that conversation, you can perfectly appreciate the procedure to be able to hide a message with a spoiler.
How to hide a spoiler before sending it in a Telegram chat?
This will be very simple. When we have the text typed in the message that has not yet been sent, we will have to select the content that we consider as a “spoiler”, then options such as: “Bold”, “Italic”, “Monospace”, “Link”, “will be displayed. Underline “,” Spoiler “, among others.
Logically we will have to select the “Spoiler” option so that the function is applied to the text that we have selected.
When sent, the message will appear pixelated in the chat to prevent the content from being shown to other users, until they decide to click on them to reveal their content.
In the video it can also be seen that the hidden content will not be identified by any note or warning, other than that of an eye-shaped icon, right at the end of the shaded text.
Also, the video recording shows the function of this tool in an iOS version, however it is very likely that it can also be used on Android.
It is also important to mention that the video where you can see the operation of the tool was shared within a Telegram channel.
Therefore we do not know if it will also work within individual and group conversations.
In addition, it is not yet known if the final version of this new feature will only support text or other media such as photos and videos will also be included.
This type of functions that allow masking a text, can already be found in other services such as Discord or iMessage with its effect of Invisible Ink.
So we hope that Telegram will work on innovative additions for the launch of this new feature.