Tesla has a problem with its windshield wipers. Why does your automatic activation not work correctly sometimes?
Tesla is a benchmark in the automobile industry. Over the last decade, the electric car company has been introducing important innovations to the market. In fact, after only 10 years producing cars on a larger scale, it has managed to carve out a notable niche in sustainable mobility for half the world. This has been possible thanks to the fact that its range of electric cars has autonomy greater than the rest of the options, differential fast charging speeds and, of course, the commitment to far-reaching innovations in the industry.
One of the solutions that has gone unnoticed the most has been, instead, the one that is directly related to the operation of the windshield wipers. Did you know that the manufacturer born in Palo Alto has a patent related to its Autopilot system? Given the potential arrival of more category in terms of levels of autonomous driving, the hardware and software they are already adapting to offer good performance when the role of the driver is dispensed with. Now, why are bugs being reported when it comes to the performance of the wipers on some of Tesla’s models? The key is shown to us by the user specialized in the brand @greentheonly.
Let’s see, therefore, what are the main characteristics of Tesla’s dubious functionality, why it is a problem that is directly related to both options and, of course, To what extent are we facing a problem? related to lack of foresight. However, it is expected that this abnormal operation can be resolved in a future update.
Tesla and the dubious performance of the windshield wiper system
Tesla’s windshield wipers are in the eye of the hurricane due, above all, to a somewhat dubious forecast on the part of the brand. As usual in the industry, an optical reader is responsible for detecting drops of water on the windshield. Based on their quantity, the product is programmed to offer a higher or lower speed to sweep more or less water. This is already the case in practically all of the cars that go on the market, since it is an innovation that began to take place decades ago.
had to drive in a bit of rain today
Tesla autowipers had no idea at all?
Surprisingly it was dry-wiping 30 minutes prior before the rain started (no video though as I did not think at teh time it’d be relevant) pic.twitter.com/2xICzmts7b
— green (@greentheonly) January 17, 2023
Tesla’s problem is directly related to the position of the reader. Now, its installation is set at a higher point on the windshield, so the wind present while driving causes the drops to move towards the rear. This can cause the optical reader to not be able to detect enough water to understand that it should scan the glass. In fact, you can see in the images how an abnormal operation of this technology is taking place.
A few years ago, Tesla wanted to remove dirt from the windshield using laser beams, but taking into account the failures that are being observed with water droplets, it is very likely that this type of solution will eventually have no place in the industry. On the other hand, another of the modifications that must be made is directly with the Autopilot system. By connecting it, the wiper function also becomes a purely automatic function, something that could be regulated manually according to the interests of the user. After all, safety and, of course, the appreciation of safety by the user must be an essential factor despite the activation of autonomous driving.
According to the investigations carried out by the user @greentheonly, it is expected that in a future update of the software this problem is solved. The problem mainly affects HW3 sensorswhich have been equipped in Tesla models for only a few years, which allows us to establish that the older models have not been affected by this apparent failure.