This feature allows us to view important information directly from our lock screen, such as the time and widgets, without needing to unlock or interact with the device. Do you know how this function can be automated? Below we explain how to do it.
Concentration filters to automate the always-on display
To take advantage of this feature, users must have an iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max or 15 Pro/Pro Max running iOS 16.4 or any later version. Then go to the iPhone settings, where you can select or create a specific focus (or concentration) mode. Within this mode, there is the option to add Focus Filterswhere you can select the «Always On Screen» and configure it according to preferences.
Automation can be further fine-tuned by ensuring that the “Activation Intelligent” activated or setting a schedule for the Focus mode that has been created. This way of automating a feature like always-on display improves the user experience and also conserves battery life by reducing the use of the always-on display to specific times of the day or specific situations.
Link always-on screens to specific lock screens
Another interesting aspect of this customization is the ability to link the always-on display to lock screens specific through focus modes, or concentration modes. This means that users can have different settings for different contexts or circumstances, such as for work, leisure time, or when exercising. Each with its own lock screen and corresponding always-on display settings.
Shortcuts to control always-on display
For those users who want to have even more control over the state of their iPhone lock screen, the application Shortcuts offers a solution to this. Through this application, it is possible to create custom shortcuts to activate or deactivate the always-on display. This feature is further enhanced by Siriallowing users to control this feature using voice commands.
The iPhone’s always-on display, from its arrival to its current form, is a good example of the improvements in terms of customization that the iPhone has received over time. Something that many users have always complained about is the lack of customization of the iPhone compared to the high customization capacity of Android. Thanks to the incorporation of widgets on the home screen, interactive widgets and lock screen widgets, personalization on the iPhone has improved a lot and there are now more ways we can find to give that personal touch to our iPhone that distinguishes it from the rest.
It is also true that in its beginnings, the always-on screen generated some controversy because some users believed that it was distracting, especially when we left it on the table and were with other people. Thanks to these customization options, this should no longer be a problem.