A curious story about an iPhone 14 capable of streaming on a plane flight.
A user of Reddit has recently shared a story ensuring that an iPhone 14 has been able to play a YouTube video at an altitude of 6,000 meters via mobile data on a plane flight. No evidence has been provided to verify that the story is real, but it is a very interesting curiosity.
Apparently, this user claims that his father was using an iPhone 14 during a plane flight and was able to play a YouTube video at an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. The same He tried again with another video and the streaming it worked until the connection was cut.
Is the mobile data of the iPhone 14 capable of playing streaming videos on an airplane flight?
The Reddit post, titled “iPhone 14 allowed my dad to stream video from a plane flight,” was published a week ago.
This is the story of the user “chaosthunda5” translated into Spanish:
Hi everyone, I was recently traveling with my father and noticed that he was briefly streaming on YouTube while we were already over 6,000 meters above sea level. I saw him click on the video on YouTube so I don’t think it was preloaded already and I also saw the satellite icon in the top right corner (can’t remember if SOS was on). I took the iPhone and tapped on another new video and it worked! Anyway, the internet went down right away and he couldn’t watch any more streaming but this got me a little excited. Can we expect to get mobile data via satellites in the future? Has this happened to anyone else?
Although the iPhone 14 has the fastest 5G, it is a totally surreal story, but from the way he expresses himself, it seems that this user was telling something completely true. It sounds reasonable that in the future it will be possible to connect to the Internet through satellites, but perhaps it would be more likely that commercial airplanes offer Wi-Fi connectivity services. What’s your opinion about it?