The number of administrative applications is growing to facilitate procedures and procedures. From My Citizen Folder, a tool where a good number of functions are centralized, to FNMT, a really useful app to obtain access to your own administration. AND Cadastre_app It joins the list to facilitate access to all cadastral information.
The Cadastre is a service that maintains a detailed record of all the properties and properties that exist within Spanish territory. It is very useful to know various information related to the owners and their houses, such as the size of the property or the extent of the property, For example. Accessible from the Cadastre portal, it’s not that the page is very adapted to smartphones (it doesn’t even offer secure https access). So it is appreciated that the Ministry of Digital Transformation have created an application to facilitate consultation and cadastral management.
Cadastro_app, all your cadastral information on the touch screen
The recently created app is available for both Android and iPhone. And it works by giving citizens access through the digital certificate or using the different Cl@ve options. Not only that, you can also consult the data If we have the cadastral reference. To obtain this access, the holder’s DNI number is also required.
As soon as you open Cadastro_app it asks for a secure login to consult our properties. If you do not have a cadastral reference, simply choose access with Cl@ve or the one marked as “Electronic Certificate”: once inside We will have all the information about those properties registered in our name. All from your mobile and in a format that is pleasant to the eye and touch.
The interface of Cadastro_app, as well as the icons and introductory images, match perfectly with the style of other administration applications, such as My Citizen Folder or FNMT. Cadastro_app lists all the properties registered in the name of the owner, allows you to view them on the map, alerts you of any incident that is related to the property, offers the related cadastral data, shows the value per hectare of the land and it has a curious function to “Draw my plot.”
With the official Cadastre application we can make notes about our property, draw the land and even upload photographs that help us reference the site. Always as personal information, All this data is not shared with the Cadastre. And they can be downloaded in PDF format along with the rest of the cadastral information.
Cadastro_app is now available for download, it is very useful for those who are used to consulting farm and real estate records. Much more convenient to use on mobile than the Cadastre website.
Gather and personalize information about your properties and receive notifications from the Cadastre.
Cover image | Ivan Linares
In Xataka Mobile | How to request Permanent Cl@ve from the Cl@ve PIN app and everything you can do with it