The james webb space telescope photographed the Pillars of Creation, achieving one of the most spectacular images ever seen to date. This image captured thanks to this telescope will allow the study of the thousands of new stars that, until now, were hidden in the photographs of the Hubble telescope.
The photograph taken has a surprising resolution and can be downloaded from the official website of the James Webb telescope to be admired in its maximum splendor. And, although to worldly eyes it may seem only an amalgamation of pretty colors, for scientists it means much more and they have been studying it since its appearance.
What has changed compared to the Hubble telescope image? The enormous amount of detail that can be seen in the image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope has allowed different elements that were previously not visible to come to light, being the most striking some red dots within the image.
These points are present throughout the image and, in some cases, they are small in size and in others they attract quite a lot of attention. Until the capture of this image, these elements could not be distinguished and, now, scientists have to decipher what is hidden behind these elements that can be seen in the photo of the Pillars of Creation.
The photograph of the Pillars of Creation has created more questions than answers since its capture by the James Webb
Several astronomers have begun to study these small red dots that can be seen in the image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope and the conclusion is that we are facing protostars. This term is used to describe the period of evolution of a molecular cloud of hydrogen, helium and dust until it becomes a star.
Power star formation is a milestone and more detail than the space telescope can offer james webb. At the moment these stars are still too young and, in fact, have not started to burn hydrogen in their interior. They still have a long way to go to become fully formed stars.
It is clear that the images taken by the James Webb have meant a change in the way of studying space and everything it contains. have managed to see new stars so clearly and being able to study them is a milestone for science. These images they mark a change in science as we know it.