The Penguin, Max’s future series centered on Batman’s famous adversary, is revealed in a first trailer. The show will mark the return of Colin Farrel in the role, after a notable performance in the excellent The Batman by Matt Reeves.
Clearly, things are moving on the side of Max, the Warner Bros. streaming platform. Discovery. As you may know, the service formerly called HBO Max must officially arrive in France before the start of the Paris 2024 Olympics (i.e. before July 26, 2024). This was confirmed by JB Perrette, Warner’s global head of streaming, during the Series Mania TV festival in Lille.
During this event, the Hollywood studio took the opportunity to unveil new trailers for several upcoming series on Max, starting with season 2 of House of The Dragon, the Game of Thrones spin-off. In fact, not one, but two trailers have been revealed. Enough to arouse the impatience of fans before the arrival of the show on June 16, 2024.
But that’s not all. Warner Bros. Discovery has also just launched on YouTube the very first official trailer for The Penguin. For newbies, this series takes place in the same universe as the excellent film The Batman by Matt Reeves released in 2022. With this opus, the director of the recent trilogy of the Planet of the Apes has signed an absolutely astonishing feature film, in which he invites spectators to discover the first years of Bruce Wayne in the shoes of the Black Knight.
The Batman develops his universe with The Penguin
Led by a particularly convincing Robert Pattinson, the film marks its difference from Christopher Nolan’s productions by presenting itself more as a dark and sticky thriller. The filmmaker also reconnects with the figure of a Batman detective, who will exploit above all his investigative talents rather than his physical strength to discover the truth.
In The Batman, we also see certain iconic enemies of the defender of Gotham, like the Sphinx (Paul Dano) and especially the Penguin. Incarnated by a Colin Farrel transformed for the occasion, Oswald Cobblepot is just a small strike in the shadow of the mafioso Carmine Falcone. However, this new series will precisely allow us to discover Penguin’s rise in the empire of crimea few weeks after the events told in The Batman.
As the first images attest, we can expect a still dark atmosphere and a still solid performance from the Irish actor. The series is expected for fall 2024 and we will obviously find Matt Reeves in production, but also Dylan Clark, Colin Farrel, Lauren LeFranc and even Craig Zobel and Bill Carraro. Enough to keep fans waiting before the arrival of the second The Batman, recently postponed to the end of 2026…