On other occasions we have seen how lowering the temperature at home can be possible thanks to the use of something as basic as paint or materials used outdoors. Without having to use cooling devices or appliances.
And in this sense revolves the development of a company that has designed a paint that is capable of lowering the temperature at home thanks to the ability to reflect the sun’s rays and the secret of its success is in the components used.
Without using air conditioning systems
The secret of this paint is in the components it uses and its success is based on the use of the glass that we throw away. It is based on recycling an element in such a way that it is eliminated from the equation that would lead it to be waste (if not recycled) to be reused.
The origin of this development is in Hong Kong and comes from the E-COATING project. To be successful they have relied on the cooling effect of clouds and They have used recycled glass to create a painting with reflective effect for the sun’s rays.
This painting uses recycled, crushed and ground glassso the ways to obtain the appropriate glass fragments to generate this reflective effect were studied.
According to the company, thanks to the use of recycled glass in this paint, it is achieved reflect about 95% of sunlight. Glass reflects the sun’s rays due to its reflection property so that the light bounces and disperses. This is what is known as diffuse reflection, which is different from specular reflection.
With this phenomenon glass can also disperse some of the incident light in multiple directions. This creates a diffuse or dispersed reflection effect, which can cause light to spread in many directions, instead of being reflected clearly, thus repelling the associated heat.
Along with this property, this paint has the ability to emit a special infrared thermal radiation. This captured heat “is released at specific wavelengths, between 8 and 13 micrometers, which makes it very special,” because this type of particle “can easily pass through the Earth’s atmosphere and dissipate into space, instead of remaining trapped by greenhouse gases.
According to those responsible, by only applying this development to 10% of the roofs of industrial parks in China, a huge amount of electricity could be saved which could be used to power 15.7 million homes per year and prevent the emission of 4.59 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Furthermore, along with these benefits, the manufacture of this paint It is made from water, so that it does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOC). In addition, the manufacturing cost is cheaper than similar products.
Via | EcoInventos
More information | E-COATING
Cover image | E-COATING on YouTube
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