When you create a new WhatsApp account, one of the steps is to write your name, although later in WhatsApp you appear to each person just as they have saved you in your contacts. Then, What is the name you choose when you make a WhatsApp account for?
We will see what the name you choose on WhatsApp is and what it is for, in addition to telling you how can you know the name that someone else has put on on WhatsApp, if you are curious or want to verify that the number you have saved belongs to the person you believe.
What is the “name” of WhatsApp
A WhatsApp account basically has three pieces of information: the phone number, the profile picture and the name. When you sign up for WhatsApp, you are asked to enter your name, although it is optional. If you want, you can press Following without writing a name or choosing a profile picture. You can also change it later by tapping on your WhatsApp profile picture and pressing the pencil button next to your name.
This is the name you choose for yourself, and it doesn’t have to be the same as other people choose to identify your account. This is so because in WhatsApp the contacts appear with the name with which you have them saved on the mobile.
In this way, you can choose the name “Pepito”, but your father, maybe your mother has saved you as “Son” or your employees as “The boss”. on whatsapp, the name of the mobile contact is used and not the one chosen by that person.
What is the name you choose on WhatsApp for?
If it’s not used for anything, then what is it for? The answer is that it is not good for much, but it is good for something. This name is used for identify people you don’t have in your contacts. In chats with an unknown person, you will be able to see the name they put in their contact information, below the phone number. The name is preceded by the character ~.
This is even more useful in groups, because it is added to the senders of a message, when you do not have them saved in the agenda. That is, instead of simply showing the phone number, the phone number and the name that they have given themselves on WhatsApp appear.
In this way, it will be easier for you to distinguish who’s who in a group without having to add everyone to your contacts or remember everyone’s phone numbers. Of course, remember that the name is optional, so in this case it will simply show the phone number.
How to see the name someone chose on WhatsApp
Are you curious to know what name someone has chosen on WhatsApp? The good news is that it is very easy to do. The only thing you have to do is delete it from your contacts and go to your profile on WhatsApp. The data does not appear in the contacts that are already saved on the mobile, and you can always add the contact again after checking.
The bad? news is that this it will not help you with unknown peopleWell, you will need to establish a conversation – that is, that there is a chat in between – so that you can see the name that a person has put on WhatsApp.