For a long time, WhatsApp users have needed external tools and applications to be able to give life to their own stickers, because although we can download countless packs of stickers of cats and other themes, there is nothing better than immortalize your pet or a moment from your favorite series on a sticker to share in the messaging app.
Now, WhatsApp will finally offer its own sticker editor, integrated directly into the application. The feature is already beginning to be available to Android beta users, so it shouldn’t take too long to reach all users.
This is the new WhatsApp sticker editor
The tool to create and edit stickers in WhatsApp arrived in the beta of the application for iOS in january this year, but it has taken a little longer to reach the version of the app for Android devices. However, users registered in the beta of the app They are already receiving the new function.
The objective of the new sticker editor is that we can use our own images to create the stickers, even adding words, phrases and emojis. It doesn’t matter if it is a photo that we have taken with our mobile camera, or if it is an image downloaded from the Internet, the tool allows us to create exactly the sticker that we need for each occasion.
Using the tool is quite easy, and its operation is very similar to the version for the iPhone, which in Xataka Mobile They have already tried it at the beginning of this year. The Android version, as revealed in WaBetaInfoalso allows you to select an image from the gallery and the same application will analyze it and will crop out the subject, removing the background of the image.
Afterwards, WhatsApp will surround the sticker with a white outline, and finally, it is possible to edit it to add emojis and texts, if we wish. Once ready, we can send it and also save it to our list of favorite stickersto use it again whenever we want and the occasion warrants it.
This feature is now available for Android beta users, specifically the version It is not yet known when the new sticker editor will be available for all WhatsApp users on Android, but it should not take too long, taking into account that the function is already available in the beta version on both Android and iOS.
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