Some people seem like perfect targets for mosquito bites. It doesn’t matter if they sleep with their partner or if they are in a room with dozens of friends. Mosquitoes are always after them. But why? Is there something that makes some of us more attractive than others?
The truth is that it could be said that yes. Female mosquitoes, since they are the only ones that bite, have a series of mechanisms to detect blood sources from which to feed. These are based on the release of certain substances resulting from the metabolism of any individual. But there are also some more exceptional ones.
For example, if you are pregnant, if you have drunk alcohol recently or if you have floral perfume, you are more likely to have to deal with mosquito bites. Even the color of your clothes can influence. But, let us start at the beginning. How do these insects look for us?
Carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat
Female mosquitoes are able to detect the carbon dioxide at great distances. Absolutely all living beings with blood, which can serve as food, exhale this gas on your breath, so it’s a good way to do a first sieve.
Then, once they are closer, they look for water steam, which is also released with the breath. In this way, they ensure that they are dealing with a living being and not with any other source of CO₂. But, if they only looked for those two substances, they would go straight to the mouth. Instead, mosquito bites are usually all over the body. This is due to the fact that, already in the immediate vicinity of the gas release source, they are carried away by the heat emission.
It has also been seen that they can detect certain hormones, which could explain why pregnant women tend to be more prone to mosquito bites. In addition, they are crazy about sweatso people who tend to sweat more will attract them more easily.
Finally, through the skin we also release substances resulting from the metabolism of compounds introduced through the diet. If these have strong aromas, such as alcohol or cheese, they will come more easily to us.
Colors that are a magnet for mosquito bites
Traditionally it has been ensured that some colors they attract mosquito bites more than others. However, it is not something that has been studied much scientifically. At least not until last year, when an investigation was finally carried out on it.
To do this, mosquitoes were placed in a chamber with a series of colored dots. Some were sprayed with carbon dioxide, but some were not. Thus, they saw that, indeed, there were some colors that attracted these insects more. Specifically, those that had an intense component red, orange or cyan. Although they were also attracted to black. Instead, they seemed to like light colors much less.
But there is an important detail that should not be underestimated. They were only attracted to those colors if they had sprayed with carbon dioxide. If not, the tonality was indifferent to them.
This would explain why they like us humans so much. And it is that, regardless of the color of our fur, is usually in shades of orange or closer to black. In addition, we are a good source of carbon dioxide.
Therefore, if you want to avoid mosquito bites, you can try to use light colors. As long as you breathe and have skin, they’ll still like you anyway. You may get rid of them for a bit, but their females will still be there, keeping an eye out, waiting to take some of your blood. They do it so they can have children. Do not take it into account.