If you have followed the latest releases and news related to computer hardware, you will have noticed the great emphasis that companies put on developing boxes that allow a good flow of air, showing new designs that are different from what we can normally find. There is a reason for this, and it is that currently it is necessary for the refrigeration Be the better possibleso many brands have chosen to bet on new designs that allow this.
The cooling that a computer has is extremely important, since it directly affects the functioning of our components. PCmeaning that if we do not have a good air flow, it will concentrate he heat decreasing he performance. That is why when choosing a case for our computer we must take into account whether it is appropriate for the purpose we are going to give it, since a computer that we are going to use only to browse the Internet is not the same as one of high quality. features to play.
The cooling dilemma
On many occasions, when we customize or assemble a computer, it is normal that we seek to reduce the price of some components, choosing models that are cheaper, but that in the long run can affect us negatively. In many cases, people tend to make these types of cuts in components that are not directly related to performance, that is, in everything that is not the processorthe RAM and the card graph.
This is a very big failure, since if we do not find a balance between all the components, the most normal thing is that we will notice how the performance of those in which we have invested the most money is affected shortly after. In this way, when buying a box, for example, we can get carried away with some cheaper solutions that have less space and that, in general, offer worse cooling than others that we can find for a larger budget.
In the end it all depends on how much money we plan to spend, since if we are going to invest a large amount, it is normal that we look for the best in everything, but if on the other hand we have a lower budget it is best to look for greater compatibility, that is , do not buy a processor and a graphics card that generate a large amount of heat if our heatsink, fans and case are not capable of eliminating a large part of it.
Good airflow is extremely important
In the case of a computer chassis, the most important thing, after obviously being compatible with all the components, is the fact that the air can flow correctly, taking away a large part of the heat that the rest of the parts they generate. And in the end, we can have the best fans or heatsinks, which if the heat is not able to escape correctly obviously they will not fulfill their function correctly.
If we talk about latest generation computers this is even more important, since the components are increasingly more powerful, which also means that the heat they generate is greater, as we well know. In this way, if, for example, we try to use an extremely powerful processor, with one of the latest graphics cards that have come out in a small box that does not allow hot air to move outside, we will see how these have lower performance, even affecting to its useful life.