It would be a app called “Invitations”translated from “Invites” that has been detected, and will be part of the group of collaborative applications that we can use to replace the calendar, notes, and others that we had to organize meetings, or remember important appointments.
New Invites app in iOS 18.3
Apparently, this application would be aimed at create invitations to certain events or meetingswhere the user could accept that invitation, confirming their presence, or reject it, indicating that they cannot, thus obtaining a count of the attendees.
These may be in person or telematic, something similar to Google Meet, where the user can mark the option to confirm or reject, letting the creator of the event understand whether or not they will be able to be there that day. In this case it would work in a similar way, although we can also organize a party in a certain location, and know how many will come and how many will not, not only online.
The app will integrate with iCloud, and this is one of the possible cons that I, at least, see, and that is, what happens if one of the people you want to invite does not have an iPhone? Will it be simple and accessible for Android? Will there be an app on other systems? Creating an application that integrates with Apple is great, as long as everyone had this system, something that does not happen today, so we will have to see how the company solves this.
Initially, The app code came out in iOS 18.2However, betas were removed later, so its release was already planned, being delayed to iOS 18.3, which does not mean that, despite appearing now, it will be released, as it could be another test to end up coming out more. go ahead, although everything indicates that they do want to give it a chance now. We’ll see if we can finally try it in a few weeks, or we’ll have to wait.
On the other hand, although we believe that it could be an independent app, it is not entirely clear either, and it could be integrated into others, or even have both options, so we will be waiting for the next betas of iOS 18.3, where It could disappear again, or where we could even see it already installed on our iPhone, so we can really test it.
And you, do you think this application is necessary? Would you end up using it? The truth is that it could be interesting if everyone used it, not only for the creator of an event, but to be clear about what appointments or meetings you have on your calendar, and to organize yourself better. However, we return to the first point. Will it work for everyone? And I think that is key to the proper functioning of an app, that any family member or close friend can use it, since if it only works for the iPhone, everything changes.