Although the Apple Watch They are very complete devices, at least within their operating system, it is true that, together with the iPhone, they may have limitations, and among them one that, although many are not interested, for others it is fundamental, as is my case.

Today we will talk about her, and What is expected with iOS 19 and Watchos 12since at the design level and tools, iOS 18 and Watchos 11 improved a lot, but we still have many things to see, and hopefully the rumors are true and we have them.

What function is missing the Apple Watch

When we install an app on the iPhone, automatically, if it has compatibility, we see it in the Apple Watch, however, there are many that, for obvious reasons, cannot be used on the clock, but that, however, there are widgets that would be Very useful on both devices.

Apple Watch Series 10

A very simple example, and that uses daily, is the ring button, the Amazon device that serves to open the portal of my building without having to use the key. There is an app and an iPhone widget that makes this task very simple, however, in the Apple Watch, because there are no “buttons” or “direct access”, I cannot perform a function as simple as this.

This could be solved in two different ways. The first of them, and that is expected for future versions of Apple Watch, is the incorporation of those widgets that we can use on the iPhone and that are not allowed, currently, on the clock, thus being a button to press for it.

Another option, and that is implemented, although it is not 100%compatible, is that of shortcutssince with a shortcut created on the iPhone, we could execute it from the Apple Watch, achieving a very similar result. Currently, they can be used, but they are very limited on the clock, something that makes no sense, because the order of Apple Watch himself goes directly to the iPhone, who is the one who executes it, and who would have the capacity to do so.

Image of an Apple Watch on the wrist

Anyway, Apple is working a lot in Watchos 12and these types of actions could be solved with their arrival, since not only people like me need this, but others also use widgets at the home automation level, to turn off the light of their room, for example, which would be very comfortable with A control center full of buttons that reproduce these actions.

And you, what other function that not everyone requires, would you like them to implement in the following versions of the Apple Watch system? There are many that possibly miss, and although it is a very complete watch, it could be more with tools such as those mentioned today, since it is very comfortable to turn off the alarm clock with Apple Watch himself, and light the light, or activate a routine With different home automation devices, who would not want to warm the coffee maker while you get up, without using the iPhone?

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