Released on October 30, Pokémon Pocket stands out as the new goose that lays the golden eggs from The Pokémon Company. The game earns more than $3 million in revenue
On the product page of the new iMac, the e-commerce giant has published a comparative table presenting in detail this still unannounced model. This indiscretion, quickly withdrawn, nevertheless offered us
It's curious, but yes, there are countries where Apple is the undisputed kingand has no rivals. Despite its price, it is capable of being the best-selling brand, and it does
Every year, there is a new edition of the Best Global Brands ranking, this is an annual study carried out by the brand consultancy agency Interbrand. The objective of this
Every month, Apple announces new games coming to its Apple Arcade service. This time, it's four new releases coming on November 7, including Wheel of Fortune Daily, based on the
The Nintendo Switch, launched in 2017, is about to be renewed, with a model that seems to retain the basis of the best-selling hybrid console. After almost seven years of