Telegram instant messaging reaches a major milestone in its history by becoming profitable for the first time since its creation. With revenues exceeding a billion dollars in 2024, almost triple
After years of no success, Telegram has just found the path to profitability. Enough to make Pavel Durov, its CEO and founder, who gave more details on this subject on
As we have already seen on other occasions, purchasing an iPhone in another country is not very profitable, since at the price level the savings are not very significant, since
After the departure of new Mac Mini and iMacmany people doubt about the best option, since each of them has some pros and cons, and at the budget level, the
In its latest annual report, Apple issued an unprecedented warning to its investors: new products and services may never achieve the exceptional profitability of the iPhone. The statement comes as
How to change the battery at home The steps to do this will depend on your iPhone model, although it is usually quite similar for all of them, and there
For a long time, Reddit has been a paradox within tech companies. Very popular, the social network never managed to generate profits from its activity. Now listed on the stock