When purchasing an accessory for our wrists, we probably have doubts about whether a watch or a bracelet is better, whether it is worth getting the Apple one, or whether it is not profitable and choosing another economic option is better, etc. so today we will clear up doubts.
I have had the opportunity to test all types of devices, and I am going to tell you about the pros and cons of each one of them, and which one I would choose, although it is true that it depends quite a bit on the type of activity and use you plan to give it.
Apple Watch or a Mi Band, which is better?
As I said, this is something that will depend on what we are looking for, since, obviously, if we are going to play sports, an Apple Watch will be much better, as well as if we want to record sleep more accurately, however, if we only do it We need to see the time and receive notifications, a bracelet like the Mi Band is lighter and its battery life multiplies, by far, that of an Apple Watch, as well as the price difference between both devices. Let’s see a summary of the pros of each product.
Mi Band (Xiaomi)
- Much cheaper.
- Battery that lasts much longer (up to 20 days).
- Lighter and more comfortable.
- Basic functions such as counting steps, measuring heart rate and sleep tracking.
- Water resistant.
Apple Watch
- Bigger and better quality screen.
- Many more functions: GPS, ECG, advanced health monitoring.
- Integrates perfectly and only with the iPhone (if you don’t have it, it’s a disadvantage).
- function contactless payment (Apple Pay).
- Premium construction and many customization options.
In short, if you are looking for GPS, Apple Pay, or simply something more elegant and with many more strap options and customization, the Apple Watch will be ideal, even its cheaper SE version. However, if you only want it to generally count your daily activity, see notifications and keep the current time, spending money on an Apple Watch can make you desperate, and not only because of the cost, but also because of the batterysince you will have to charge it every day, or even sleep without it to do so, which is quite tedious, since most of the time we look at the time is when we wake up in bed, something that does not happen with the Mi Band or other bracelets that can last weeks of autonomy.
And you, are you one of those who looks for the best despite not using it and making the most of it, or do you prefer to pay for what you are going to use? The truth is that I am one of the first, however, paying more means having a worse battery for those extra functions makes me rethink the purchase, since for me it is very important to forget about charging the devices, since most of them Sometimes I forget and end up leaving with them without battery, something that is absurd and useless. Leave us a comment with your opinion, and which one you think is best for your need.