While many people may already know why before reading further, many others may have no idea why their iPhone It takes longer to load than others, and one of the most important is the temperatureso the season of the year and climatic conditions will cause it to vary, a lot.

Today we are going to see if there really is a notable difference, and in what type of charge and moment we would notice it most, since it will not be the same by cable as by MagSafe, as well as if we are using it at the same time, or We left it propped up on a table at night.

Does the iPhone charge better in the cold?

If you look at their website, Apple recommends a charge between 20 and 25 degreesto make it as optimal as possible, however, this has its nuances, because as we said, being at 25 degrees in the sun is not the same as being in the shade, using it while charging, or not, or doing this through MagSafe or cable (which will also vary between the original or another).

iphone extreme temperature

However, there is something that always applies to all cases, and that is the real temperature, because although Apple talks about those 20-25 degrees, The iPhone will always charge much faster in a room at 15 degrees than in another at 30 degreesalthough both cases are 5 degrees away from the ideal, so if you are in a cold place, this will work much better.

The extremes are bad, that’s clear, but the heat is much worse. While the cold will only need to heat the device, the heat is impossible to reduce, and for this, on many occasions, we will have seen the charging pause or even cancel it at a certain percentage, due to its high temperatures, forcing us to have We have to stop using it if we want it to be completed so we can leave the house, if we need to, for example.

iPhone Temperature

In summary, during winterand the low temperatures, you will notice how your iPhone charges faster than in summerespecially if you use it, charge it wirelessly, or are in a warmer place than usual. Your phone will not be able to cool down easily, something that is more complicated than warming up in very cold times, where even using it would even be good to help it reach the optimal temperature, although we understand that if we have a charger nearby, we will not be at zero degrees , unless we use an external battery on the street, which would not be good either, since neither extreme is suitable for your battery.

And now that you know, have you ever realized this? Surely you have seen the sign that the iPhone cannot be charged until its temperature is reduced, just as it does not let you turn on the flashlight when this happens, something that you will not see when it is cold. Leave us a comment with your experiences, and what tricks you have to cool your phone in summer and charge faster.

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