If you’re using a jailbroken iPhone and want to add a personal touch, a new SnowBoard add-on called UI Switches by developer Fadh1l has arrived.

Recently featured on the subreddit /r/jailbreakUI Switches customizes the appearance of the switches on your device by displaying the logo of your specific jailbreak. It’s not necessarily beautiful in my opinion, but it’s a way to stand out.

Tweak Overview UI Switches

The first version of the tweak includes icons for several jailbreaks, such as:

  • Dopamine (in red, purple and pink options)
  • Electra
  • Odyssey
  • RootHide (standard and 3D options)
  • Unc0ver

UI Switches customizes iOS switches

As you can see, the palera1n and XinaA15 jailbreak icons are not included, but this may be fixed with future updates.

To use the new switches, instead of the classic white buttons, you must activate it via SnowBoard preferences in your application Settings. It requires both SnowBoard and the SnowBoard UI extension, both available in SparkDev’s repository:


This tweak is system-wide, so custom icons appear not only in the Settings app, but also in other apps with iOS-style switches like iSoft.

For those who like to customize their jailbroken devices, UI Switches is available for free in the developer’s personal repository. If you prefer something more consensual, look at Color Switch.



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