WhatsApp continues to improve its messaging app to make it more useful. Recently, for example, the messaging service launched “lists” which allow discussions to be organized into categories. And among the new features that could arrive later, there is a feature that will allow you to do a quick search from the images you receive in your text messages. In any case, this is what is suggested by an article from WABetaInfo which, as usual, has delved into one of the beta versions of the WhatsApp application.

The site indicates that it has found, in a beta of WhatsApp for Android, a new option that allows you to search for an image on the web. In essence, when you open an image, the beta version would display this new option in the menu. And if we press it, the image is sent to Google, for a search. It’s faster than downloading the image and opening another app, like Google, to find the information you’re looking for.

A tool against disinformation?

For the moment, caution remains in order, since this functionality has not been made official by WhatsApp. However, it is possible that this novelty will be presented by the messaging service as a new tool to combat disinformation. Indeed, if the user has any doubts about an image they have received, they can quickly do a search to find out its origin or obtain information about this image.

Otherwise, the feature could also be useful if you receive a photo of an item on WhatsApp. In fact, it will be easier to search for this item, to know where you can buy it and to know its price. “It’s important to note that the new web image search feature is completely optional. This means users can decide if they want to use it to share an image with Google for additional information”, also specifies the WABetaInfo site in its publication. At the moment, we do not know when this new feature could be deployed by WhatsApp.

  • WhatsApp continues to improve its application and, among the new features under development, there would be a new option to send images to Google for search
  • The functionality could, for example, be useful in combating misinformation
  • At the moment it is not known when this feature might be deployed

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