Applecare+ is the service offered by the company by acquiring one of its products. A spice of Surely it allows us to repair an iPhone, Mac, Apple Watchetc, much cheaper in case of a failure, fall, robbery, etc., so we say it is a guarantee to be calmer.
Currently, most people acquired this plan with their phone, with a single payment for 2 years, which was cheaper and easier, since we spend 1,000 euros or more on an iPhone, we didn't care to add insurance, Something that will change from now on.
Applecare+ and its monthly subscription
The first and most important thing to clarify, is that this change will not occur in the Apple Store, where we can continue paying those 2 years with the purchase of our iPhoneand that will be for the rest of them, where, once acquired, we will have the option of activating the service, something that we always see in a new product from the Setting menu, but that will not allow payment in this way, and It will only allow us to do it with a monthly subscription.
This subscription is something that already exists, and that allows you to have even 5 years of apple+ active, unlike the 2 -year plan that expires and is not renewable, which means that, many people could choose to do it in this way , thus believing Apple that can get more money.
That is, if you go to Apple Store you will have 2 methods:
- Pay $ 199 for 2 years of AppleCare+
- Pay $ 9.99 per month (an example of a product that they consider to have that value)
As we can see, it is more profitable to do so in a single payment, saving us some monthly payment, however, we will not be able to renew it and we will have to pay more in the act. This is something that will continue to exist with them, but not autonomously, that is, if we get an iPhone at Amazon, wanting to activate it, it will charge us $ 9.99 each month, and we will not be able to pay, at least suddenly, the 2 years.
It is not clear if this change will apply only in the United States, or it will be for everyone, although it is something specific in this country, it is likely to end up affecting the rest, and that is that many of us, at least on my part, We do not pay 2 years of Applecare+ for the price, but why not only 10 euros for the first month of our iPhone? We are all afraid that the first days will fall, and, therefore, many more people would activate the insurance, leaving it without canceling for a long time, thus achieving, by Apple, some greater profits.
And you, are you one of those who preferred to pay those 2 years, or do you like the new idea of forcing it to be a monthly? Leave us a comment with your opinion and if you have ever had to use this insurance. Luckily, I do not, although I hope that if something happens to me, it has it active, since it has very good assessments.