Did not have Active backupand, therefore, he decided to go for him to the neighboring country, something that, in this case, went well, yet it is likely that, having had the active copy, he would have saved money, because it was only for This reason, not for the price of the iPhone, since the flights and accommodation would be worse than the value, second -hand, of that device.
Activate iPhone copy remotely, is it possible?
At the previous case, the thing is complicated, and it is that at this time we will have two possible problems, with their respective solutions, since, currently, it is the only thing that allows us Apple.
- If we have no space in ICloud: This is the most typical, and the backup is usually active, however, if we do not pay more than the 5 GB they give us, it will never be done. It is easy to fix, because we can expand that through the ICloud website, and, therefore, to get the iPhone to start the copy, as long as it meets the requirements for it, because if they turn it off or restore we can no longer do anything, although although We have that option.
- If we have deactivated it: In this case it will be more complicated, because current Losing the data, which another person can never access them.
Remember that, With the latest version of iOS, you can locate your iPhone Even if they turn it off, so you are attentive to him, by means , if it has not left the country, or you have it nearby.
After iOS 18, they cannot Sell pieces such as battery, screen, or cameras If we report it as lost, so every time it should be less common for this type of robberies to happen, but, unfortunately, they follow the agenda, and this is what we can do.
And you, have you lost or have you stolen the iPhone sometime? It is important to prevent this, and always have the backup automatically activated, and hire space in ICloud to complete. We have plans from O.99 euros, which are worth it, especially when you see that your lifelong photos are no longer because you have run out of phone (it can even break) and you did not have this previously. Leave us a comment with your experience and if you have any history as curious as that of this girl.