Today, in the middle of 2025, and months after IOS 18 outputthere are many users who continue to have an earlier version of the system, although their iPhone are compatible. This can be serious, since an update not only improves functions, but also installs new security measures.

Today we are going to see that number of phones that are still in iOS 17 or lower, and why update now, as well as the way to do it, since this, by default, would have to settle alone, by What has not happened at home, we will see the reason.

iPhones that still do not have iOS 18

The official statistics that we can get from Apple, and that these results tell us, are the following, since this should be divided into 2 groups, because not all iPhone have the option of installing iOS 18, so it would be more serious Have an iPhone 15 and not do it, that an iPhone X, where we are likely to possess the most recent version, but we cannot do more, because it never came out for this model.

  • Adoption of iOS 18 in recent iPhones (last 4 years): 76%.
  • Adoption of Ipados 18 on recent iPads: 63%.
  • General adoption (all devices):
    • iPhones: 68%.
    • iPads: 53%.

Photos in iOS 18

This shows us that, 24% of the iPhone 13 or superiors, do not have iOS 18, or what is the same 24 out of 100, a fairly high figure if we take into account what was said above, and that is, natively , the iPhone are designed to update automatically, unless we deactivate it, something that does not usually happen, and less in such a high percentage, so the problem can be another, and it is that the phone needs certain conditions to do this, So if it is your case, you have two options, or install, manually, the update, through adjustments – general – software update, or reviewing this:

  • Be connected to Wi-Fi.
    • Automatic updates are not discharged or installed using mobile data.
  • Be plugged in to the current.
    • The iPhone must be connected to the charger to avoid running out of battery during installation.
  • Have enough battery.
    • Although connected, the device needs at least a minimum battery level (usually more than 50%) to start the process.
  • Sufficient storage space.
    • If there is no space, the update will not be downloaded or installed.
  • Automatic enabled updates.
    • Verify in General> General> Software Update> Automatic Updates that the options “download updates” and “install updates” are activated.
  • Hours of inactivity.
    • Automatic installation usually occurs during the night when the iPhone is not in use.

IOS storage

Therefore, it will depend on your condition. I know people who have unlimited data plans, and that, therefore, do not need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, something that would avoid updating. On the other hand, if you have an iPhone with little space, and you have spent a lot of time between version and version, you are likely to occupy enough GBS, and have no storage available, another of the reasons.

Anyway, now you know why it can happen, and how important it is to update, both to receive new tools, battery and bug improvements, etc., for security, with patches to try to avoid gaps for cybercriminals who can take the Control of our devices.

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